Monday, July 6, 2009

Getting a haircut that’s cooler than you are has the paradoxical effect of making you even less cool.

Alternate Headline: Be wary of those whose haircuts are cooler than they are.


ML said...


Do you think this headline still holds true if you substitute "haircut" for "wardrobe?"

MattonlyMoore said...

Getting a haircut less cool than you makes you Mike Cambardella.

Anonymous said...

man, you are on fire. (the 2nd version made me feel like the dove of hope was released into the air.)

MotivationalCopy said...

We all make choices that we regret. My biggest regret happens to be sitting on top of my head for all to see. I've come to terms with it. Matt, I think you should come to terms with the fact that your negativity is only a reflection upon yourself. I can help...