Episode 310: Rich Silverstein of Goodby, Silverstein & Partners
On his second visit to the podcast, Rich covers The Lion of St. Mark,
winning, dealing with roadblocks, wit, design, and personal growth.
5 years ago
Nice try, Balser. You're not getting in my head for free.
having a 9th beer last night. the 10th beer was the worst idea i've had this year
convincing kasia to let me get in her head for free
so there's these 2 peanuts, right. they wear shoes hats and sunglasses, they have no arms, and they're addicted to sports. all they do is watch sports all day long.
their names are Mac and Damien and they are the SPORTS NUTS. it gets better.
it's a new show on ESPN. you run spots and ads on ESPN's media. web/tv/print- it's all free. they own it already.
the promotions are the show- so every one starts with "on the next sports nuts, Mac and Damien..." now we can do anything we want for the next 5-30 seconds.
"on the next sports nuts, Mac and Damien convince the orlando magic to quit basketball." then we talk about how crappy the Magic are. topical, fast, get away with things that announcers can't say.
we dont ever show a full episode and we dont ever tell anyone why.
we do all of this to make ESPN "attractive to younger viewers who think this channel is for their dads. in order to youthify..." blah blah blah.
it's hilarious. really. best idea we've had to date- not this year. "we" is beauross. it is our lovechild.
fan pants. period.
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