Friday, April 3, 2009

What’s your favorite thing about your current city?


Rusty Broome said...

The people are real laid back. When i lived in Boston and went out and got loud, I got stared at. In Austin people yell with me.

Patio Action Pearson said...

Living a few blocks from the Rocky Mountains.

Speaking of, I'm going to Vail to board for the weekend. PEACE.

Ross Cavin said...

The Creative Circus.

Keith G. said...

The people. SF has so much solor. So many different types of people that all blend into one crazy canvas. Unlike NY where everyone generally dressed the same according to the district you were in. Here there seems to be a touch of everything happening everywhere. Plus the Sourdough Bread is pretty kick ass

me said...

The long days of endless rain and gloom and despair. Coffee's yummy though.

me said...

Actually no, I changed my mind. It's Kyle's new lady friend that works at the breakfast sammy place. She's so friggin happy and nice and happy.

o'malley said...

I finally have gotten it set so that I've got a weekly Racquetball game, Volleyball game, and Flag Football game, so I feel like when I'm not working, I can be the kid I've always wanted to grow up to be.

And I know I can get that in any city, but the leagues I'm in are in my city.

Condra Design said...

Rusty gets loud when he drinks? hmm.

Lauren Spoto said...

The way Spring comes to small in-town neighborhoods... sidewalk lemonade stands in front of craftsman bungalows, all framed by blooming Dogwoods. It makes me smile all the way down to my toes, and back out my ears.

Anonymous said...


Elizabeth said...

I love that people in Chicago weather the winter with aplomb. That's not to say that they (we) don't complain for 8 months straight, but, beer firmly planted in hand, we resolve to clinch our teeth through yet another April blizzard, because when June comes along, we'll be outside absolutely every second that we can. Outdoor grilling and days on the beach (yes, I said beach) are more than a summer pastime in Chicago - they are a seasonal religion, and the sun is its one true god.

asher said...

My cats. My Astros. The weather here right now. My ma. And my gays. I have the best gays in Houston.

That said, I'm headed to Boston on Wednesday, and can't wait to commute to wherever by bike or train, spend time with my bro, play slow pitch w/ my sister, and hopefully finally make employment happen.

DKells said...

Venice Beach.

The only thing more ridiculous than the view is the boardwalk.

Anonymous said...

People wearing pajama pants into the local convenience store to buy cigarettes. Ahhh, these are a valued target demographic.