Friday, October 10, 2008

What distracts you most from working?


Truzen said...

Video games. Collect runes in Diablo 2 is a slight obsession.

Rusty Broome said...

My work. When the assignment is really boring i get distracted by desire to not do it.

ML said...


(Not your blog specifically, Dan. The internet it's attached to.)

Anonymous said...

my inability to deny ping pong challengers.

Anonymous said...

thinking about the barriers instead of the work

asher said...

lately political blogs.

but leave it up to the obama campaign to bring it back around.

seriously - who's in charge of his campaign?

Annie Johnston said...

Easy work that also needs to get done...

I like to justify not working on something that intimidates me by doing something that I think is easy but also has a deadline.