Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fail hugely.


Condra Design said...


Unknown said...

I'm on it.

Rusty Broome said...

That's pretty much what i've been doing my whole life

asher said...

reminds me of this piece on display (i believe) at W+K. made out of 150,000 boxes of thumbtacks, or so it is reported.

Dan said...

I love that, and I promise I had not seen it.

Patio Action Pearson said...

Yeah, that thing is fucking awesome. It faces out into the center of the atrium. It took me a week to realize it was made all from thumbtacks. You don't realize it until you're up close. W12 did it. 100,000 clear thumbtacks and 351 hours. Here are some more pictures.

It's all part of Dan Wieden's philosophy that you're not worth anything to him until you've made three humongous mistakes. He's a smart dude.