Friday, June 27, 2008

Do you know when you have a good idea, or do you more often discover it later in your notes?


Rusty Broome said...

I tend to know, because good ideas stick out when you surround them by bad ones.

Truzen said...

Agreed with Rusty. And often times those good ideas come in brainstorming sessions and I can gauge by my personal and by the team's enthusiasm how good of an idea it really is.

Anonymous said...

Usually when I start punching the air uncontrollably and get really excited as soon as the idea forms, I know it's great. Not everyone else recognizes its brilliance as readily/ever. Sometimes they're right.

Though it does happen that I return to brain dumping notes and discover a brilliant thought that I had discarded as ridiculous. In fact there's something so satisfying in this that I almost prefer it.

asher said...

it's a little bit of both. sometimes i may have a good idea, in the form of a line or something, but not know what to do with it until later.

i was looking through the notebooks i carry in my back pocket the other day and stumbled across the scribble "six flags over jesus."

i don't remember writing it. but that would have made one hell of a branding project.

Elizabeth said...

The more I do this job, the more I know a good idea as soon as I see it. But I also hesitate to self-edit TOO much, because every once in awhile someone else (Creative Director, partner) will see that spark of brilliance in your idea that you somehow missed.

Anonymous said...

i usually know, but it's solidified when i can get the most genius, most favorite people in my life to agree with me. over food that i made as a bribe. i forget- will you eat onions?