Friday, May 2, 2008

What is your go-to guilty pleasure? (Besides porn, of course.)

Thank you, Liza, for your help with today’s question. You’ve earned your T.A.’s merit sash.


Rusty Broome said...

Mild Slim Jims. I know they are just left over bits of meat mushed into a long straw shape, and yet I can't not snap into one.

Truzen said...

Ah video games. Where would the weird, tech head, Filipino-American be without you. Probably with some "normal" job, fresh out of college.

Sad though, as I lack the funds to make the leap to the next generation of gaming. The Xbox 360 taunts me from Ebay with games like Bioshock, Dead Rising, Gears of War, and the heralded GTA IV. Even my gaming PC is defunct from a short circuit on the motherboard. *sniff* Back to my modchipped Xbox 1 to soothe the pain.

Anonymous said...

Sci Fi Channel original movies. You really can't beat films like Frankenfish and Sasquatch Mountain. There's entertainment value on so many levels it almost hurts.

Anonymous said...

Duran Duran

:::Cornfed::: said...

Phillips Union Cherry Whiskey and 50s music.

Anonymous said...

I think it might be Michael Buble. And dont let Chris lie, his is fucking Clumsy by Fergie, every time he listens to it his vag s showing.

:::Cornfed::: said...

If doing a jig to Clumsy is wrong, then I don't wanna be right.

Dan said...

My latest — and I can’t believe I’m admitting this — is the Fox Summer series So You Think You Can Dance.