Friday, May 9, 2008

What is your favorite city, and what are the top three reasons it’s your favorite?

My favorite city remains New York.
  • Food
  • Public transportation
  • It’s stocked with the most talented people on earth


Truzen said...
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Truzen said...

*laughs at self again*


1. Public Transit (not as awesome as NYC, but ranks up there in my opinion)
2. It's a city I can almost navigate via the back of my hand
3. It's close enough to home that if something happens, I can be there in hours, but far enough away that my folks would leave me alone

Rusty Broome said...

Louisville Kentucky

Horse Tracks, Bourbon, and nice people at good bars full of happy drunks. Southern hospitality and a casino boat 20 minutes away. All my vices in a nicer wrapper than Vegas.

Anonymous said...

Seattle Washington.

Art scene.
The balance of nature and city.
Great creative shops.

Anonymous said...

Madrid, Spain

1. It's like diet-Paris. It's major European city, while still being affordable.
2. You get used to having two hour siestas in the middle of the day.
3. The metro is cheap and cabs rarely cost more than 6 euros to go anywhere in the city.

Anonymous said...

Really more of a town, but Higgins Lake, Michigan.

1. gorgeous, clean lake
2. bare feet on dead pine needles
3. happy childhood memories

Anonymous said...


1. Murder is rampant
2. I no longer have to live with the reality of not having a car. In fact I can have any car that I can catch up with, with is virtually all of them.
3. I come back to life when I die.

Anonymous said...


1. Murder is rampant
2. I no longer have to live with the reality of not having a car. In fact I can have any car that I can catch up with, with is virtually all of them.
3. I come back to life when I die.

Patio Action Pearson said...

Marietta, Georgia:

1. Baptists
2. Various Civil War monuments
3. The world's largest Gone With The Wind museum

Unknown said...

1. The Tube. Just Amazing.
2. Not many mega tall buildings so you still get the sun - unlike NY.
3. The Art and Culture.

Bonus - Funny accents.

Unknown said...

New York City

1. No driving.
2. No drinking and driving.
3. No matter how good or bad your day is, you still have this feeling like you're part of something bigger.

Elizabeth said...

I've visited an embrassingly low number of cities, but of those I'd have to say New York as well. Because:

A. Every time I go back, it's even better than I remembered.

B. The food - the diversity, availability, affordability, and quality. And the fact that even the humblest of corner shops have a stunning array of fresh produce (something Chicago is SORELY lacking).

C. The "creative energy." Well put.

ML said...

Austin, Texas

1) Live music capital of the world.

2) Best Mexican food you'll find anywhere - including Mexico.

3) There's 750,000 people, but it still has the vibe, laid-back feel and intellectual climate of a college town.

And an extremely honorable mention: The Texas Pom Squad. Wow.

Liz Cartwright said...

New Orleans Louisiana

1) It's the only American city with an sense of unique culture. So much so, that I don't even feel like I'm in America anymore. The food, the art, the architecture, the music, the people are on level and world all it's own.

2) It has a soul.

3) It's defied forces of man, nature and God to stay alive.