Friday, January 11, 2008

Please describe your relationship with your computer.

   I have a love/hate thing going on with my computer. It’s useful and entertaining, but it’s also a ball and chain. 


ML said...

On most days, my Mac is like one of those My Buddy dolls from the 80's. Wherever I go, it goes.

But recently, it's started growling/hissing/making an ominous noise at me. I'm hoping it doesn't escalate to anything nastier. That might hurt my feelings.

Condra Design said...

I spend more time with it than my wife, and that is a little disturbing.

:::Cornfed::: said...

Art directing is who I consider my significant other. Design is my mistress. My computer is the bartender that sees me on a regular basis with either or, but doesn't say anything because he likes my business.

Liz Cartwright said...

If my house was on fire and I only had time to grab one possesion, I'd grab the computer.

Fuck Stella, she can fend for herself. (I tease I tease.... kinda)

Anonymous said...

I'd say my laptop is like a sturdy ladies foundation garment. I'd like to think I could get by without it, but I'm afraid of what that might look like.