Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Less is rarely more.


Anonymous said...

I won't tell Sylvia you said that.

Anonymous said...

I'm not touching that one.

Anonymous said...

is more sometimes less? I always figured more was always more.

Anonymous said...

if less is more, than less than less is more than more. right? but at some point, lessing leads to nothing, which is clearly NOT more. or is it? but then wouldn't every meaning full page be empty? so less is simply less....which may be another way of saying...boringer? genericaller? my head hurts. but in a good way.

Condra Design said...

Is Ron high or just smarter than the rest of us?

Mary K. O'Keefe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

both i think.

Dan said...

Ron has the rare superpower of stealthelligence. It sneaks up on you and hits you on the head an hour later.